Language of Discipline_Science
Latin/Greek Vocabulary
1. Biology is the study of living organisms.
2. Cytology is the study of cells.
3. Unicellular refers to organisms that have only one cell.
4. Multicellular refers to organisms that are made up of two or more cells.
5. Fertilization is the process in which a sperm cell joins (penetrates) an ovum (egg cell).
6. Heterozygous is when a gene contains two different alleles. (Example Tt)
7. Homozygous is when a gene contains two alleles that are the same. (Example TT)
8. Mitosis is cell division resulting in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
9. Deoxyribonucleic acid carries the genetic information to offspring.
10. Homeostasis is the tendency of the body to attempt to find and maintain a condition of balance within its internal environment.
11. Blastocysts is a structure formed in the early development of mammals which forms into the embryo.
12. Zygote is a eukaryotic cell formed by a fertilization between two gametes (egg & sperm cell).
13. Genetics is the study of genes, heredity, and genetic variation in living organisms.
14. Gynecology is the study of the female reproductive system.
15. Gynecologist is a physician specializing in gynecology.
16. Uterus is the pear-shaped organ which houses the unborn baby. Also called the womb.
17. Gemmule is a dormant cluster of embryonic cells.
18. Carbohydrates are nutrients that are important sources of energy. They are changed glucose (blood sugar).
19. Chlorophyll is green pigments found in chloroplast of algae and plants.
20. Chloroplast are organelles found in plant cells and algae that absorb sunlight in the presence of water and carbon dioxide gas to conduct photosynthesis to produce food.
21. Integumentary System is the system made of the skin which protects the body from damage.
22. Circulatory System is the system made of a large network of organs and vessels responsible for blood flow.
23. Cardiologist is a heart specialist.
24. Lymphatic System is the system made of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph fluid and is important part of the immune system.
25. Respiratory System is the system responsible for taking in oxygen and excreting carbon dioxide.
26. Phosphates is a type of salt.
27. Lithosphere is the solid outer section of Earth.
28. Stratosphere is the second major layer of the atmosphere.
29. Fission is the radioactive decay process or breaking down of the nucleus of an atom into smaller parts.
30. Refraction is the bending of a wave when it enters a medium where its speed is different.
31. Atmosphere is the gaseous envelope which surrounds the Earth.
32. Quadrat is a square or rectangular plot of land marked off for the study of organisms inhabiting the area.
33. Epiglottis is a thin structure that covers the opening of larynx during swallowing to prevent food and drink from entering into the larynx.
34. Conjugation is a reproductive process in some organisms in which two organisms of different mating types exchange nuclear material during fusion.
35. Coniferous means cone-bearing trees and shrubs.
36. Microbiologist is a specialist or scientist who studies and investigates the growth and characteristics of organisms such as bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.
37. Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, from the sun, into chemical energy usable by organism to carry out life processes.
38. Abiotic are the non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms.
39. Hybrid is the offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties, such as a mule.
40. Asexual deals with organisms that do not involve the fusion of gametes (sex cells).
41. Genetics is the science of heredity, interaction of organisms genes and their environment.
42. Cardiologist is a heart specialist.
43. Cardiology is the study of the heart.
44. Allele is any forms of a gene that is responsible for hereditary variation.
45. Antibodies are Y - shaped protein molecules produced by B cells. They are the body's immune defense.
46. Isometric has to do with having equality of measure.
47. Metamorphosis is a change in form from one stage to the next of an organism. Metamorphosis involves a complete change in appearance in an organisms development. Example: Caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.
48. Ichthyology is the study of fish.
49. Equation is the state of being equally balanced.
50. Arachnid is in a class of carnivorous arthropods and are characterized as wingless, having a body divided into two parts (abdomen and cephalothorax), eight appendages and no antennae. Examples: Spiders, ticks.
51. Reflection is the bending and return of light waves, heat, sound, etc. after hitting a surface.
52. Pathogens are disease causing organisms, such as microorganisms, viruses, or bacteria.
53. Neuron is a nerve that conducts impulses from the nervous system to other parts of the body.
54. Synapse is an area or small gap where nerve impulses transmit and receive information.
55. Ornithology is the study of birds.
56. Filial having to do with becoming a son or daughter.
57. Heterozygous means yoked differently. Having different pairs of genes for hereditary characteristics.
58. Homozygous means yoked the same. Having identical pairs of genes for hereditary characteristics.
59. Herpetologist is a reptile and amphibian specialist.
60. Zoologist is an animal specialist.
61. Kilometer measures unit of length and equal to 1000 meters.
62. Hectometer measures a unit of length and equal to 100 meters.
63. Dekameter is a unit of length and is equal to 10 meters.
64. Meter is the basic unit of length in the metric system.
65. Decimeter is a unit of length and is equal to 0.1 (1/10th) of a meter.
66. Centimeter is a unit of length and is equal to 0.01 (1/100th) of a meter.
67. Millimeter is a unit of length and is equal to 0.001 (1/1000th) of a meter.
68. Exogamous is a marriage outside a similar social unit or tribe.
69. Co-dominant is being equally dominant in a biotic community.
70. Mutation is an act or process of changing, usually over time.
71. Phenotype is an organisms physical traits inherited from their parents.
72. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
73. Ova are female sex cells.
74. Ovum is a female sex cell.
75. Oviparous organisms produce their eggs that mature and hatch after being expelled from their body. Examples: birds, most reptiles.
76. Ovary is the female reproductive gland, where ova are located.
77. Allele is any form of a gene responsible for hereditary variation.
78. Cytogenetics is a branch of biology which studies genetic inheritance, especially diseases, within cell structures.
79. Reduction is an amount by which something is diminished or reduced.
80. Fraction is a part of a whole.
81. Reflection is the return of light and other waves after striking a surface.
82. Diffusion is the movement of particles from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.
83. Gene is a set of instructions for an inherited trait.
84. Geneticist is a specialist or expert in genetics.
85. Generation is the offspring of a certain parent or couple.
86. Genetics is the science of heredity.
87. Heterogenous is having its source or origin outside the organism.
88. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
89. Arthropod is a class of organism that have jointed limbs, segmented bodies, and are invertebrates that undergo molting.
90. Avian having to do with birds.
91. Bursa is a pouch or sac.
92. Cetacean is mainly to do with marine animals.
93. Crustacean are water arthropods, who have hard shells/crust. Example: Shrimp
94. Cranium is the scientific name of the skull.
95. Thrombosis is a condition in which there is a thickening of the blood.
96. Saccharide = a simple sugar
97. Pollen = fine flower
98. Maxillae = upper jawbone
99. Osteoporosis = a condition of brittle bones
100. Cartilage = gristle
101. Ligament = bound, tied
102. dorsal = back side
103. pulmonary = having to do with the lung.
104. Investigation =
105. Variable =
106. Prediction = surrounding
107. Quantitative = educated guess
108. Qualitative = Having to do with quality, what kind of
109. Variable = something that changes in a controlled experiment
110. Metri-Copter = a copy of a copter made of paper, using using metric measurements
111. Carnivore = meat eater
112. Herbivore = plant eater
113. Chromosome =
114. Centiliter = one hundredth of a liter
115. Kilogram = one thousand grams
116. Erythrocyte = red blood cells
117. Leukocyte = white blood cells
118. Photosynthesis = process plants use to convert sunlight to energy.
119. Centimeter = one hundredth of a meter
120. millimeter = one thousandth of a meter
121. Microbiologist = specialist who studies small living organisms
122. Angiosperm = flowering plants, example orange trees, rose bushes
123. Gymnosperm = seed bearing plants, example pine trees
124. diplopod = class of arthropods which is made up of millipedes
125. gastropod = stomach footed organisms
126. Homologous =having the same alleles or genes in the same order; same structure on both sides
127. Calorie = measure of heat
128. diploid = having two similar parts that complement each in chromosomes.
129. Cephalopod = head footed organisms
130. Visible = to be seen
131. Spectrum = across
132. Transparent = light can pass through
133. Translucent = some light can pass through
134. Transmission = to send across
135. Tropism = turning
136. Geotropism = turning toward the Earth
137. Phototropism = turning toward light
138. Diameter = measurement across
139. Reciprocate = to give
140. Recipient = to receive
141. Endothermic = inside heat
142. Probiotic = usually a dairy food containing live bacteria
143. Haploid = a single set of chromosomes
144. Gamete = special sex cell
145. Mitochondria = powerhouse of the cell
146. Mitosis = cell division
147. Microscope = Instrument used to observe small organisms
148. Mesoderm = the middle layer of an embryo
149. Mesophyll = the interior parts of a leaf
150. Mesophyte = a plant growing with a balanced water supply.
151. Mycology = a branch of biology dealing with fungi
152. Cytoplasm = cell liquid
153. Dendrologist = tree specialist
154. Entomology = study of insects
155. Ichthyology = study of fish
156. Osteoichthyes = bony fish
157. Ornithology = study of birds
158. Herpetology = study of amphibians and reptiles
159. Mammalogy = study of organisms who have hair, bare their young, have hair and mammary glands.
160. Cetacean = class of organisms such as whales
161. Mathematical = having to do with numbers.
162. Conceptual = having to do with ideas
163. Interpretation is an explanation of the meaning of something.
164. Differentiate = to change, to vary.
165. Quantitative = having to do with amount of something.
166. Tonsillectomy = surgical removal of the tonsils
167. Metamorphosis = a process in which stages occur that change in appearance, character (butterfly)
168. Eukaryote = organisms who have cells that contain a nucleus
169. Prokaryote = single celled organisms that do not contain a nucleus
170. Pseudopod = head footed organisms
171. Prophase = first stage of mitosis
172. Metaphase = second stage of mitosis
173. Anaphase = third stage of mitosis
174. Telophase = fourth stage of mitosis
175. Hydrophobia = fear of water
176. Ova = eggs
177. Ovarian = having to do with the ovaries
178. Ovule = the part that contains the embryo sac and female germ cell which eventually turns into the seed.
179. Ovum = one egg
180. Saprophyte = an organism that lives off dead organic matter.
181. Staphylococcus = round shaped bacteria
182. Cocci = round shaped bacteria
183. Spirilli = spiral shaped bacteria
184. Chromatid = chromosome strands that split during cell division.
185. Centrosomes = are small bodies found near the nucleus in the cell's cytoplasm.
186. Plankton = are floating, drifting organisms found in water.
187. Centrioles = found at opposite poles of the cell as the cell divides.
188. Autotrophs = organisms that can make their own food
189. Arachnid = a class of organisms that have a cephalothorax, abdomen and eight legs (examples - spiders)
190. Porifera = a phylum of organisms that include sponges.
191. Phototropism = attraction toward light
192. Geotropism = attraction toward Earth
193. Cytology = study of cells
194. Photosynthesis = processes by which plants make their food in the presence of chlorophyll
195. Microscope = instrument used to observe small organisms
196. heterotrophs = organisms who feeds on other organisms
197. Fertile = capable of producing offspring
198. Molting = shedding skin, hair to allow for growth
199. Cephalothorax = is made up of the head and thorax (chest)
200. sporophyte = plants that produce spores.
201. organisms = any thing or system that carry out life processes
202. reproduction = a natural process organisms carry out to create new individuals or offspring
203. chondrichthyes = organisms that are made up of cartilage
204. spectroscope = a device used to observe a spectrum of light
205. telescope = an optical device for making distant objects, such as stars and moons, look larger.
206. Saprophyte = an organism that lives off dead organic matter
207. Mycologist = fungi specialist
208. Abduction = movement away from the body
209. Adduction = movement toward the body
210. CO = Carbon monoxide
211. H = Hydrogen
212. He = helium
213. Li = lithium
214. Beryillum =Be
215. B = boron
216. C = carbon
217. N = nitrogen
218. O = oxygen
219. F = fluorine
220. Ne = neon
221. Na = sodium
222. Mg = magnesium
223. Al = aluminum
224. Si = silicon
225. P = phosphorous
226. Cl = chlorine
227. Ar = argon
228. K = potassium
229. Ca = calcium
230. Ti = titanium
231. Cr = chromium
232. Mn = manganese
233. Fe = iron
234. Co = cobalt
235. Ni = nickel
236. Cu = copper
237. Zn = zinc
238. As = arsenic
239. Se = Selenium
240. Br = bromine
241. Kr = krypton
242. Ag = silver
243. Cd = cadmium
244. Sn = tin
245. I = iodine
246. Xe = xenon
247. Cs = cesium
248. Ba = barium
249. W = tungsten
250. Pt = plutonium
251. Au = gold
252. Hg = mercury
253. Pb = lead
254. U = uranium
255. CO2 = Carbon dioxide
256. Chlorophyll = green liquid plants use to make their food. Found in chloroplast.
257. Chloroplast = organelle that contains chlorophyll.
258. Cytoplasm = Cell liquid
259. Prokaryote = Cells without a nucleus
260. Eukaryote = Cells with a nucleus
261. Microscope = instrument used to observe small organisms
262. Diameter = measurement across
263. Photosynthesis = process by which plants make their food in the presence of carbon dioxide, Water, Sunlight, Chlorophyll
264. Cytoskeleton = cytoplasmic network of protein filaments. (cytoplasm)
265. CO = Carbon monoxide
266. Ingestion = process of taking in, examples food, carbon dioxide, water, etc.
267. Excretion = process of eliminating waste from the body
268. Respiration = process of exchanging oxygen with carbon dioxide
269. Reproduction = process of making more of the same kind of organism
270. Transparent = ability to see through; light can pass through
271. Conjugation = the union of a male gamete (sperm cell) with a female gamete (ovum)
272. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
273. phenotype = is an organism's physical traits inherited from their parents.
274. heterozygous means yoked differently. Having different pairs of genes (alleles) for hereditary characteristics.
275. homozygous means yoked the same. Having identical pairs of genes (alleles) for hereditary characteristics.
276. zygote
277. stigma
278. pollination
279. anther
280. pollen
281. Prophase
282. Metaphase
283. Anaphase
284. Telophase
285. Chromosomes
286. integumentary
287. epiglottis
288. herpetologist
289. mutation
290. leukocytes
291. organelle
292. genetics
293. allelo
294. hybrid
295. filia
296. Phenotype
297. Genotype
298. gastropod
299. mesoderm
300. mesophyll
301. Arthropod = jointed foot
302. pseudopod = false foot
303. DNA = molecule present in living cells that contains information that determines traits a living organism inherits and needs to live.
304. Nucleotide = a nuclei-acid chain that is made up of a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogenous base.
305. allele = one of the alternative forms of a gene that controls a characteristic, such as eye color.
306. biology = study of living organisms
307. genetics = science of heredity
308. zoology = study of animals
309. cytology = study of cells
310. ichthyology = study of fish
311. N/A
312. N/A
313. N/A
314. N/A
315. N/A
316. meiosis = single cell divides; has half the # of chromosomes
317. diploid
318. haploid = contains two complete sets of chromosomes
319. homologous = similar in position, structure
320. chromosome = made of protein and DNA
321. reflection = throwing back by a surface; sending back
322. refraction = bending of a wave when it enters a medium
323. transparent = able to see through, allows light to pass
324. translucent = allows some light to pass through
325. conclusion = the end, finished process
326. diploid = one set of chromosomes from each parent
327. haploid = cell has half the usual # of chromosomes
328. offspring = a descendant, heir, children or young
329. AA = Homozygous dominant
330. Aa = Heterozygous alleles
331. heterozygous has one dominant trait and one recessive trait; yoked differently
332. homozygous = yoked the same
333. recessive = hidden trait
334. probability = chance, likely
335. offspring = a descendant, heir, children or young
336. Geneticist = specialist who studies small living organisms
337. Cephalopod = flowering plants, example orange trees, rose bushes
338. Arthropod = an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages
339. diplopod = class of arthropods which is made up of millipedes
340. gastropod = stomach footed organisms
341. Spectrum = across; example colors of the rainbow.
342. spectroscope = a device used to observe a spectrum of light
343. telescope = an optical device for making distant objects, such as stars and moons, look larger.
344. microscope = instrument used to observe small organisms
345. stethoscope = a medical instrument for listening to the sounds generated inside the body
346. kaleidoscope = a tube having loose glass particles with two mirrors that shows different patterns as it is turned.
347. Periscope = an instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which an observer (as on a submerged submarine) can get a view that would otherwise be blocked
348. Geotropism = attraction; turning toward Earth.
349. Phototropism = attraction; turning toward light.
350. Tropism = turning