multicellular - organism made of more than one cell.
geo = Earth (geology)
geology = study of Earth
geologist = Earth specialist
Astro = star, heavenly bodies
Astronomist = star specialist
hetero = different (heterozygous)
homo = same (homozygous)
zygo = yoked (zygote)
zygous = yoked (heterozygous) or (homozygous)
-genous = producing (heterogenous)
mit = thread (mitosis)
-sis = the act of (mitosis)
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid carries genetic information to offspring.
homozygous = yoked same
heterozygous = yoked differently
homeo = like, alike (homeostasis)
blasto = a bud, sprout (blastocyst)
zygote = fertilized, ovum
heterozygous = marriage
genet = origin, birth (genetics)
gyne = female (gynecology)
-logist = specialist (gynecologist)
utero = uterus, womb
gemn = bud (gemnule)
gynecology = study of females
Carbohydrate are organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They are important for maximum energy, speed, stamina, concentration, recovery and better fluid balance. They are the primary fuel for your body. Carbohydrates support your daily mental and physical activities.
Chlorophyll is a green pigment, present in all green plants and are responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis.
Chloroplast is plastid found in green plant cells that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
herpetologist = specialist of reptiles and amphibians
gyne = female (gynecological)
-logist = specialist (zoologist)
utero = uterus
gemnule = bud
meter = measure
kilo = thousand
hecto = hundred
deka = ten
metric unit (M, L, G) = one unit
a = without (asexual)
deci = tenth
centi = hundredth
milli = thousandths
-plasm = liquid (cytoplasm)
mitosis = thread (mitosis-threads appear in cell division)
maxill = jaw (maxillae)
geno = race, offspring, sex (genotype)
pheno = show, seen, appear (phenotype)
peri = around (perimeter)
cardi = heart (cardiovascular)
pericardium (structure surrounding the heart)
cardiology (study of the heart)
cardiologist (heart specialist)
fili = a son/daughter (filia)
hybrid = a mongrel
-gamous = a marriage (exogamous)
-gamy = marriage, reproduction (heterogamy)
co = together (co dominant)
geno = race, offspring (genotype)
pheno = show, seen, appear (phenotype)
muta = change (mutation)
ova = egg
ovum = egg
ovule = little egg
ovipar = egg laying (oviparous)
ovari = an ovary
allelo = pair of alternate characters
cyt = cell (cytogenetics)
re = again (rebirth)
-fract = break, broken (fraction)
-flect = bend (reflection)
-ion = process (diffusion)
refraction = process of breaking again
gene = birth, origin (genetics)
gener = a race, produce (generation)
genet = birth, ancestor (genetics)
-genous = producing (heterogenous)
geno = race, sex, offspring (genotype)
arthro = jointed (arthropod)
avi = bird
-blast = germ cell
bursa = pouch
ceta = whale (cetacean)
crusta = crust, shell (crustacean)
crani = skull (cranium)
thromb = cut (thrombosis)
sacch = sugar
poll = fine (pollen)
maxill = jaw (maxillae)
osteo = bones
-porous = having holes through which substances pass
-osis (L) = condition
reflection = return of light, heat, sound after striking a surface
cartilage = gristle
liga = bound, tied (ligament)
dors = back (dorsal)
pulmo = lung (pulmonary)
puls = beat, push (pulse)
arteri = windpipe, artery (arterio)
circul = a ring, circle (circulatory)
erythro = red (erythrocyte)
leuko = white (leukocyte)
-osis = condition (thrombosis)
-ose = sugar process (glucose)
opia = vision (myopia)
-ectomy = a cutting out (tonsillectomy)
phag = eat (phagocyte)
tele = far (telekinesis)
iso = equal (isosceles)
-vor = to eat (carnivore)
carn = meat (carnivorous)
carnivore = meat eater
arach = spider (arachnid)
angio = flower (angiosperm)
amphi = on both sides (amphibians)
morph = change (morphology)
dendr = tree or bush (dendrite)
thromb = cut (thrombosis)
photo = light (photosynthesis)
-synthesis = building
trans = across (transport)
CO2 = carbon dioxide
sacch = sugar (saccharide)
-osis (L) = condition
mit = thread (mitosis)
mitosis = process by which cells divide to increase their numbers
eu = advanced (eukaryote)
Eukaryote = cells that contain a nucleus
prokaryote = cells that do not contain a nucleus
leukocyte = white blood cells
erythrocyte = red blood cells
-kary = nucleus (prokaryote)
chromosome = structures in nucleus where DNA is found.
-pod = foot (pseudopod)
gene = trait
inter = between (interphase)
-phase = stage (metaphase)
a = without (asexual)
allelo = parallel
pseudo = false (pseudopod)
ov = egg (ova)
poll = fine (pollen)
asexual (not involving the fusion of gametes)
-pod = foot (cephalopod)
vari = change (variable)
variable = one factor that changes in an experiment
unicellular = one celled organism
multicellular = many celled organism
cell = chamber
sperm = seed
gymno = naked (gymnosperm)
angio = flower (angiosperm)
gymnosperm = flowering plant that produces seeds without cover (pine tree)
angiosperm = flowering plant that produces seeds in a cover (apple tree)
cytology = study of cells
genetics = science of heredity and inherited characteristics.
microbiologist = specialist of small living organisms.
angiosperm = flowering plants
phenotype = show, appear (observable physical characteristics of an organism)
diplopod = organisms belonging to the class of Diplopoda
genotype = genetic makeup of an organism
homologous = having same structure in parallel position (bilateral)
nutrition = science or study of food
calorie = a unit of heat, equal to 4.1868
diploid = an organism or cell having double number of chromosomes
nutritionist = a specialist who is trained in the science of food
un = not, opposite (unfold)
iris = colored portion of the eye located in the center
visible = can be seen
spectrum = a band orseriesofcolors
transparent = see through, apparent
miss = send (transmission)
luci = light, clear, shining (lucid)
lucid = clear, transparent
translucent = allows some light to pass through
transmission = transfer
pupil = eye
tropism = turning
phototropism = turning toward the light
geotropism = turning toward the Earth
didactic = the art or science of teaching
diameter = measurement across
reciprocate = to give in return
recipient = person who receives
archaeology = study of historic people and their cultures
cytoplasm = cell liquid located between the cell membrane and the nucleus
cytology = study of cells
exothermic = liberation of heat
endothermic = absorption of heat
genetics = science of heredity
refraction = process in the change of direction of a light ray; breaking
reflection = process of (light, heat, sound) rays bouncing back
probiotic = live bacteria
photosynthesis = process by which plants make their food in the presence of chlorophyll
heterozygous = having different alleles for any one gene
homozygous = have identical pairs of alleles
haplo = simple, single (haploid)
gamete = special cells
mitochondria = an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production take place.
mitosis = a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
microscope = an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.
-phyte = plant (osteophyte)
meso = middle (mesoderm)
mesoderm = a middle layer
mesophyll = internal part of a leaf that contains chlorophyll
mesophyte = a plant growing in a water environment
antho = flower
-blast = germ cell
angioplasty = a repair to blood vessel
gymno = naked (gymnosperm)
ov = egg (ovum)
ovari = an ovary
ovi (L) = an egg
ovipara = egg-laying animals
ovul = a little egg (ovule)
ovum = egg
mycology = study of fungus
dendrite = short branched extension of a nerve cell, along which impulses received from other cells at synapses are transmitted to the cell body. dendr = tree
mycologist = fungi specialist
dendro = tree (dendrology)
dendrologist = tree specialist
digestion = process in which food is broken down for use
excretion = process in which waste is eliminated
respiration = process in which oxygen is taken in by cells and carbon dioxide is removed from cells.
respir = breathe, exchange gases
genetics = birth, ancestor
phagocyte = to eat
cytologist = cell specialist
phagocyte = type of cell within the body capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells and particles.
homologous = similar in position, structure, and evolutionary origin
-gamy = marriage, reproduction
diplo = two, double, twin (diploid)
haplo = simple, single (haploid)
staphylo = grapelike clusters (staphylococcus)
cocci = round shape
spirilli = spiral shaped
pro = before (prophase)
meta = between, change
ana = up (anaphase)
telo = an end (telophase)
DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid
diplo = two (diplococcus)
pseudo = false (pseudo
-pod = foot (cephalopod)
gastro = stomach (gastropod)
gastropod = stomach footed
-zygous = yoked (heterozygous)
hetero = different (heterozygous)
homo = same (homophobia)
heterozygous = yoked differently
homozygous = yoked same
gene = trait/allele
vari = change (variable)
variable = is the one thing that changes in an experiment.
ova = eggs, female gamete cell
mitochondria - powerhouse of a cell
genetics - science of heredity
sapro = rotten (saprophyte)
ovum = egg
gamete = special cells
ovule = little egg
chromatid = one of two identical chromosome strands
phobia = fear (hydrophobia)
sarc = flesh
plankt = wandering (plankton)
polysaccharide = a carbohydrate that contains three monosaccharide
gymno = naked (gymnosperm)
sperm = seed
angiosperm = flowering plant
gymnosperm = plant that produces seed not enclosed
macro = large
-phage = to eat
macrophage = white blood cells that ingests or engulfs foreign particles
sapro = rotten (saprophyte)
gamete = special cells
a = without (asexual)
carb = carbon
centro = center (centromere)
chromo = color (chromosome = threadlike bodies that carry genes)
pachy = thick (pachyderm)
mitochondria = an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production take place.
centrosome = an organelle near the nucleus of a cell that contains the centrioles (in animal cells) and from which the spindle fibers develop in cell division.
centrioles = involved in the development of spindle fibers in cell division.
chromatid = each of the two threadlike strands into which a chromosome divides during cell division. Each contains a double helix of DNA.
autotrophs = an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
photosynthesis = the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to process foods from carbon dioxide and water.
heterotrophs = an organism who gets its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances
mitosis = a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
micro = small (microscope)
microscope = an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.
fertile = fruitful
fetus = young in the womb
utero = uterus
ov = egg
ovari = ovary
arach = spider (arachnid)
equa = equal
iso = equal (isothermic)
pori = hole (porifera)
ich = fish (ichthyology)
therm = heat (thermometer)
hemi = half (hemisphere)
squalid = dirty, filthy
folia = leaf
gnathos = jaw
molt = shed (molting)
entom = insect (entomology)
arthro = jointed (arthropods)
cephal = head (cephalopod)
parasit = eat another (parasitic)
plankt = wandering (plankton)
orni = birds (ornithology)
herp = reptile (herpetology)
platy = flat (platyhelminthes)
chrond = cartilage (chrondrichthyes)
sporo = seed (sporophyte)
ab = away from (abduction)
ad = bring toward (adduction)
vent = belly (ventral)
hydro = water (hydroplane)
C6H12O6 = sugar
CO = carbon monoxide
O3 = ozone
poly = many (polygon)
spectr = color (spectrum)
spectroscope = an instrument for producing and recording spectra (a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow) for examination.
micro = small (microbiologist)
tele = far, end (telephone)
telescope (instrument used to view heavenly bodies)