Latin/Greek _ Science


  1. bio = life (biologist)
  2. -logy = study of (biology)
  3. biology
  4. cyto = cell
  5. cytology
  6. uni = one (unicellular)
  7. multi = many (multicellular)
  8. Cell = chamber
  9. unicellular - organism made of one cell.
  10. multicellular - organism made of more than one cell.
  11. geo = Earth (geology)
  12. geology = study of Earth
  13. geologist = Earth specialist
  14. Astro = star, heavenly bodies
  15. Astronomist = star specialist
  16. hetero = different (heterozygous)
  17. homo = same (homozygous)
  18. zygo = yoked (zygote)
  19. zygous = yoked (heterozygous) or (homozygous)
  20. -genous = producing (heterogenous)
  21. mit = thread (mitosis)
  22. -sis = the act of (mitosis)
  23. DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid carries genetic information to offspring.
  24. homozygous = yoked same
  25. heterozygous = yoked differently
  26. homeo = like, alike (homeostasis)
  27. blasto = a bud, sprout (blastocyst)
  28. zygote = fertilized, ovum
  29. heterozygous = marriage
  30. genet = origin, birth (genetics)
  31. gyne = female (gynecology)
  32. -logist = specialist (gynecologist)
  33. utero = uterus, womb 
  34. gemn = bud (gemnule)
  35. gynecology = study of females
  36. Carbohydrate are organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They are important for maximum energy, speed, stamina, concentration, recovery and better fluid balance. They are the primary fuel for your body. Carbohydrates support your daily mental and physical activities.
  37. Chlorophyll is a green pigment, present in all green plants and are responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis.
  38. Chloroplast is plastid found in green plant cells that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
  39. Chloro = green
  40. -phyll = leaf
  41. phospho = contains phosphorus (phosphorescent) Yellow
  42. phosphates = a type of salt
  43. mit = thread (mitosis = cell division)
  44. -sis = the act of (photosynthesis)
  45. DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  46. homozygous = yoked the same (XX)
  47. heterozygous = yoked differently (XY)
  48. homeo = like, alike, resembling (homeostasis)
  49. blasto = a bud, sprout (blastocyst)
  50. zygote = heterogamy = marriage, reproduction
  51. genet = origin, birth (genetics)
  52. gyne = female (gynecologist)
  53. -logist = specialist (microbiologist)
  54. utero = uterus, womb
  55. gemn = bud (gemnule)
  56. gynecology
  57. integ = whole, complete, repair (integumentary)
  58. circul (L) = a ring, circle (circulatory system)
  59. cardio = heart (cardiologist)
  60. lymph = water (lymphatic)
  61. respir = breathe (respiration)
  62. lith = stone (lithosphere)
  63. -sphere = a ball (stratosphere)
  64. fiss = a break, cleft (fission)
  65. -ion = a process (refraction)
  66. atmo = vapor, gas (atmosphere)
  67. quad = four (quadrat)
  68. quadrat = square
  69. heterozygous = yoked differently (XY)
  70. homozygous = yoked the same (XX)
  71. -glott = tongue (epiglottis)
  72. hybrid = mongrel
  73. conjug = joined together (conjugation)
  74. con = with, together (conifer)
  75. allelo = one another
  76. a = without (asexual)
  77. lymph = liquid
  78. anti = against (antibody)
  79. -gen = produce (pathogen)
  80. neuron = nerve
  81. synap = a union (synapse)
  82. orni = bird (ornithology)
  83. ornithology (study of birds)
  84. ornithologist (bird specialist)
  85. herp = reptile (herpetology)
  86. herpetologist = specialist of reptiles and amphibians
  87. gyne = female (gynecological)
  88. -logist = specialist (zoologist)
  89. utero = uterus
  90. gemnule = bud
  91. meter = measure
  92. kilo = thousand
  93. hecto = hundred
  94. deka = ten
  95. metric unit (M, L, G) = one unit
  96. a = without (asexual)
  97. deci = tenth
  98. centi = hundredth
  99. milli = thousandths
  100. -plasm = liquid (cytoplasm)
  101. mitosis = thread (mitosis-threads appear in cell division)
  102. phenotype
  103. genotype
  104. maxill = jaw (maxillae)
  105. geno = race, offspring, sex (genotype)
  106. pheno = show, seen, appear (phenotype)
  107. peri = around (perimeter)
  108. cardi = heart (cardiovascular)
  109. pericardium (structure surrounding the heart)
  110. cardiology (study of the heart)
  111. cardiologist (heart specialist)
  112. fili = a son/daughter (filia)
  113. hybrid = a mongrel
  114. -gamous = a marriage (exogamous)
  115. -gamy = marriage, reproduction (heterogamy)
  116. co = together (co dominant)
  117. geno = race, offspring (genotype)
  118. pheno = show, seen, appear (phenotype)
  119. muta = change (mutation)
  120. ova = egg
  121. ovum = egg
  122. ovule = little egg
  123. ovipar = egg laying (oviparous)
  124. ovari = an ovary
  125. allelo = pair of alternate characters
  126. cyt = cell (cytogenetics)
  127. re = again (rebirth)
  128. -fract = break, broken (fraction)
  129. -flect = bend (reflection)
  130. -ion = process (diffusion)
  131. refraction = process of breaking again
  132. gene = birth, origin (genetics)
  133. gener = a race, produce (generation)
  134. genet = birth, ancestor (genetics)
  135. -genous = producing (heterogenous)
  136. geno = race, sex, offspring (genotype)
  137. arthro = jointed (arthropod)
  138. avi = bird
  139. -blast = germ cell
  140. bursa = pouch
  141. ceta = whale (cetacean)
  142. crusta = crust, shell (crustacean)
  143. crani = skull (cranium)
  144. thromb = cut (thrombosis)
  145. sacch = sugar
  146. poll = fine (pollen)
  147. maxill = jaw (maxillae)
  148. osteo = bones
  149. -porous = having holes through which substances pass
  150. -osis (L) = condition
  151. osteoporosis
  152. reflection = return of light, heat, sound after striking a surface
  153. cartilage = gristle
  154. liga = bound, tied (ligament)
  155. dors = back (dorsal)
  156. pulmo = lung (pulmonary)
  157. puls = beat, push (pulse)
  158. arteri = windpipe, artery (arterio)
  159. circul = a ring, circle (circulatory)
  160. erythro = red (erythrocyte)
  161. leuko = white (leukocyte)
  162. -osis = condition (thrombosis)
  163. -ose = sugar process (glucose)
  164. opia = vision (myopia)
  165. -ectomy = a cutting out (tonsillectomy)
  166. phag = eat (phagocyte)
  167. tele = far (telekinesis)
  168. iso = equal (isosceles)
  169. -vor = to eat (carnivore)
  170. carn = meat (carnivorous)
  171. carnivore = meat eater
  172. arach = spider (arachnid)
  173. angio = flower (angiosperm)
  174. amphi = on both sides (amphibians)
  175. morph = change (morphology)
  176. dendr = tree or bush (dendrite)
  177. thromb = cut (thrombosis)
  178. photo = light (photosynthesis)
  179. -synthesis = building
  180. trans = across (transport)
  181. CO2 = carbon dioxide
  182. sacch = sugar (saccharide)
  183. -osis (L) = condition
  184. mit = thread (mitosis)
  185. mitosis = process by which cells divide to increase their numbers
  186. eu = advanced (eukaryote)
  187. Eukaryote = cells that contain a nucleus
  188. prokaryote = cells that do not contain a nucleus
  189. leukocyte = white blood cells
  190. erythrocyte = red blood cells
  191. -kary = nucleus (prokaryote)
  192. chromosome = structures in nucleus where DNA is found.
  193. -pod = foot (pseudopod)
  194. gene = trait
  195. inter = between (interphase)
  196. -phase = stage (metaphase)
  197. a = without (asexual)
  198. allelo = parallel
  199. pseudo = false (pseudopod)
  200. ov = egg (ova)
  201. poll = fine (pollen)
  202. asexual (not involving the fusion of gametes)
  203. -pod = foot (cephalopod)
  204. vari = change (variable)
  205. variable = one factor that changes in an experiment
  206. unicellular = one celled organism
  207. multicellular = many celled organism
  208. cell = chamber
  209. sperm = seed
  210. gymno = naked (gymnosperm)
  211. angio = flower (angiosperm)
  212. gymnosperm = flowering plant that produces seeds without cover (pine tree)
  213. angiosperm = flowering plant that produces seeds in a cover (apple tree)
  214. cytology = study of cells
  215. genetics = science of heredity and inherited characteristics.
  216. microbiologist = specialist of small living organisms.
  217. angiosperm = flowering plants
  218. phenotype = show, appear (observable physical characteristics of an organism)
  219. diplopod = organisms belonging to the class of Diplopoda
  220. genotype = genetic makeup of an organism 
  221. homologous = having same structure in parallel position (bilateral)
  222. nutrition = science or study of food
  223. calorie = a unit of heat, equal to 4.1868
  224. diploid = an organism or cell having double number of chromosomes
  225. nutritionist = a specialist who is trained in the science of food
  226. un = not, opposite (unfold)
  227. iris = colored portion of the eye located in the center
  228. visible = can be seen
  229. spectrum = a band or series of colors
  230. transparent = see through, apparent
  231. miss = send (transmission)
  232. luci = light, clear, shining (lucid)
  233. lucid = clear, transparent
  234. translucent = allows some light to pass through
  235. transmission = transfer
  236. pupil = eye
  237. tropism = turning
  238. phototropism = turning toward the light
  239. geotropism = turning toward the Earth
  240. didactic = the art or science of teaching
  241. diameter = measurement across
  242. reciprocate = to give in return
  243. recipient = person who receives
  244. archaeology = study of historic people and their cultures
  245. cytoplasm = cell liquid located between the cell membrane and the nucleus
  246. cytology = study of cells
  247. exothermic = liberation of heat
  248. endothermic = absorption of heat
  249. genetics = science of heredity
  250. refraction = process in the change of direction of a light ray; breaking
  251. reflection = process of (light, heat, sound) rays bouncing back 
  252. probiotic = live bacteria
  253. photosynthesis = process by which plants make their food in the presence of chlorophyll
  254. heterozygous = having different alleles for any one gene
  255. homozygous = have identical pairs of alleles
  256. haplo = simple, single (haploid)
  257. gamete = special cells
  258. mitochondria = an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production take place.
  259. mitosis = a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
  260. microscope = an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.
  261. -phyte = plant (osteophyte)
  262. meso = middle (mesoderm)
  263. mesoderm = a middle layer
  264. mesophyll = internal part of a leaf that contains chlorophyll
  265. mesophyte = a plant growing in a water environment
  266. antho = flower
  267. -blast = germ cell
  268. angioplasty = a repair to blood vessel
  269. gymno = naked (gymnosperm)
  270. ov = egg (ovum)
  271. ovari = an ovary
  272. ovi (L) = an egg
  273. ovipara = egg-laying animals
  274. ovul = a little egg (ovule)
  275. ovum = egg
  276. mycology = study of fungus
  277. dendrite = short branched extension of a nerve cell, along which impulses received from other cells at synapses are transmitted to the cell body. dendr = tree
  278. mycologist = fungi specialist
  279. dendro = tree (dendrology)
  280. dendrologist = tree specialist
  281. digestion = process in which food is broken down for use
  282. excretion = process in which waste is eliminated
  283. respiration = process in which oxygen is taken in by cells and carbon dioxide is removed from cells.
  284. respir = breathe, exchange gases
  285. genetics = birth, ancestor
  286. phagocyte = to eat
  287. cytologist = cell specialist
  288. phagocyte =  type of cell within the body capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells and particles.
  289. homologous = similar in position, structure, and evolutionary origin
  290. -gamy = marriage, reproduction
  291. diplo = two, double, twin (diploid)
  292. haplo = simple, single (haploid)
  293. staphylo = grapelike clusters (staphylococcus)
  294. cocci = round shape
  295. spirilli = spiral shaped
  296. pro = before (prophase)
  297. meta = between, change
  298. ana = up (anaphase)
  299. telo = an end (telophase)
  300. DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  301. diplo = two (diplococcus)
  302. pseudo = false (pseudo 
  303. -pod = foot (cephalopod)
  304. gastro = stomach (gastropod)
  305. gastropod = stomach footed
  306. -zygous = yoked (heterozygous)
  307. hetero = different (heterozygous)
  308. homo = same (homophobia)
  309. heterozygous = yoked differently
  310. homozygous = yoked same
  311. gene = trait/allele
  312. vari = change (variable)
  313. variable = is the one thing that changes in an experiment.
  314. ova = eggs, female gamete cell
  315. mitochondria - powerhouse of a cell
  316. genetics - science of heredity
  317. sapro = rotten (saprophyte)
  318. ovum = egg
  319. gamete = special cells
  320. ovule = little egg
  321. chromatid = one of two identical chromosome strands
  322. phobia = fear (hydrophobia)
  323. sarc = flesh
  324. plankt = wandering (plankton)
  325. polysaccharide = a carbohydrate that contains three monosaccharide
  326. gymno = naked (gymnosperm)
  327. sperm = seed
  328. angiosperm = flowering plant
  329. gymnosperm = plant that produces seed not enclosed
  330. macro = large
  331. -phage = to eat
  332. macrophage = white blood cells that ingests or engulfs foreign particles               
  333. sapro = rotten (saprophyte)
  334. gamete = special cells
  335. a = without (asexual)
  336. carb = carbon
  337. centro = center (centromere)
  338. chromo = color (chromosome = threadlike bodies that carry genes)
  339. pachy = thick (pachyderm)
  340. mitochondria = an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production take place.
  341. centrosome = an organelle near the nucleus of a cell that contains the centrioles (in animal cells) and from which the spindle fibers develop in cell division.
  342. centrioles = involved in the development of spindle fibers in cell division.
  343. chromatid = each of the two threadlike strands into which a chromosome divides during cell division. Each contains a double helix of DNA.
  344. autotrophs = an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
  345. photosynthesis = the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to process foods from carbon dioxide and water.
  346. heterotrophs = an organism who gets its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances
  347. mitosis = a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
  348. micro = small (microscope)
  349. microscope = an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.
  350. fertile = fruitful
  351. fetus = young in the womb
  352. utero = uterus
  353. ov = egg
  354. ovari = ovary
  355. arach = spider (arachnid)
  356. equa = equal
  357. iso = equal (isothermic)
  358. pori = hole (porifera)
  359. ich = fish (ichthyology)
  360. therm = heat (thermometer)
  361. hemi = half (hemisphere)
  362. squalid = dirty, filthy
  363. folia = leaf
  364. gnathos = jaw
  365. molt = shed (molting)
  366. entom = insect (entomology)
  367. arthro = jointed (arthropods)
  368. cephal = head (cephalopod)
  369. parasit = eat another (parasitic)
  370. plankt = wandering (plankton)
  371. orni = birds (ornithology)
  372. herp = reptile (herpetology)
  373. platy = flat (platyhelminthes)
  374. chrond = cartilage (chrondrichthyes)
  375. sporo = seed (sporophyte)
  376. ab = away from (abduction)
  377. ad = bring toward (adduction)
  378. vent = belly (ventral)
  379. hydro = water (hydroplane)
  380. C6H12O6 = sugar
  381. CO = carbon monoxide
  382. O= ozone
  383. poly = many (polygon)
  384. spectr = color (spectrum)
  385. spectroscope = an instrument for producing and recording spectra (a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow) for examination.
  386. micro = small (microbiologist)
  387. microscope
  388. tele = far, end (telephone)
  389. telescope (instrument used to view heavenly bodies)