Welcome to Sutter Middle School 8th Grade Science
In eighth grade, science is a one year course. “The major purpose of the 8th grade science course is to provide all students with science concepts and ideas that build upon the students’ K-7 experience. The overarching guiding concept for the entire year focuses on the processes that change Earth’s systems at different spatial scales today and also caused changes in the past.” Emphasis will be placed on Investigation and Experimentation, Next Generation Standards, and ISTE Standards. The 8th grade science class is an inquiry-based approach and will establish connections between the various disciplines of Earth/Space Science, Physical Science and Life Science. Interconnections with other curricular areas will also be made.
Each student has a Schoology account where assigned work & grades are posted. Parents should view the child’s assignments and academic responsibilities daily to ensure that assignments have been reviewed and completed. A parent's “Schoology” account will allow a parent to view assignments and their child’s grades without having to access the student’s Schoology account. To create a Schoology parent account click here.
Student issued iPads will be used daily in class therefore it is important that the iPad battery levels be checked and charged at home daily. Charging of cell phones and iPads are not allowed during class time. Students experiencing iPad issues should immediately submit an online student tech form at Student Technology Forms 2022-2023.
Students have science workbook(s) and a science journal. In addition to their physical journal, students will create a digital portfolio where they will "store" their coursework over the year which will allow easy access to sharing their work with you at our student led conferences, etc.
Los Angeles Unified School District prohibits the use of cellular phones by students on campus during normal school hours or school activities, excluding students’ lunchtime or nutrition breaks. Therefore, students will be required to turn their cell phones off and put them away during class time. Students will not be allowed to respond to texts or calls during class time. If you need to reach your child, please call the main office, and the office staff will contact the teacher.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through either of these website, Schoology, Sutter MS or call 818-773-5800 to set up a conference. Also, I am available to help students daily at nutrition and lunch, as well as after school on Fridays.
I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage you to become more involved in your child’s education.This can be achieved by volunteering as field trip supervisors, student tutors, etc. In years past, there have been countless parent volunteers at Sutter and are deeply appreciative of the help received. If you should have any concerns or further questions regarding this information, please feel free to call for a personal appointment.
I greatly appreciate your help and support in these matters and are very excited about the new school year and hope that you are too! And, I am looking forward to students culminating at the end of their 8th grade year.