English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Each California Public School, from Kindergarten through grade 12, with 21 or more English Learners must form a functional English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The ELAC is a committee for parents or other community members who want to advocate for English Learners.
The purpose of the ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Learners and the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement. The ELAC does not have decision-making authority, may not enter into any contract, may not spend public funds, nor represent the LAUSD without proper authority.
The ELAC shall carry out the following duties:
Provide written advice to the School Site Council (SSC) regarding programs and services for English Learner (EL) students (see Attachment H). Advice should be based on student performance and parent and family engagement data. English Learner data, such as, English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), Reading Inventory (RI), reclassification rates, Long Term English Learner (LTEL), program placement, parent surveys, School Experience Survey, and evaluation from parent education classes regarding EL program options, and reclassification.
Advise the principal in the development of a site plan for ELs and submit the plan to the SSC for inclusion in the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), as required in CDE, Section 64001(a).
Assist with ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance and review the school’s student attendance data and the District’s student attendance policy.
Include information related to the review of the school’s SPSA and the District’s 2018 Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners on the regular meeting agendas.
Assist in the development of the school-wide needs assessment that will identify and address the linguistic, attendance, and academic needs of EL students.