Latin/Greek Vocabulary

1. bio = life
2. -logy = study of
3. biology = study of living organisms
4. zo = animal
5. zoology = study of animals
6. -ologist = specialist
7. biologist = specialist, who studies living organisms
8. geologist = Earth specialist
9. astro = star
10. astro = stars and heavenly bodies
11. hetero = different
12. homo = same
13. zygous = yolked
14. zygo = yolked
15. -genous = producing
16. lith = a stone
17. -sphere = a ball
18. fiss = a cleft, a break
19. -ion = a process
20. atmo = gas, vapor
21. quad = four
22. quadrat = square
23. heterozygous = yoked differently
24. homozygous = yoked the same 
25. -glottis = tongue
26. gyne = female
27. -logist = specialist
28. gynecologist = female specialist
29. utero = uterus
30. gemn = bud
31. lymph = liquid
32. anti = against
33. -gen = produce
34. neuron = nerve
35. synap = a union
36. orni = bird
37. ornithology = study of birds
38. ornithologist = bird specialist
39. herp = reptile
40. herpetology = reptile specialist
41. chron = time
42. -some = body
43. diplo = two, double
44. uni = one
45. multi = many
46. chondr = cartilage
47. reticul = network
48. ret = network
49. micro = small
50. angio = flower
51. unicellular = one celled
52. multicellular = many cells
53. cell = chamber
54. endo = inside
55. exo = outside
56. -rupt = break
57. peri= around
58. cyto = cell
59. -plasm = liquid
60. cytoplasm = cell liquid
61. pro = first
62. meta = change
63. ana = up
64. telo = an end, complete
65. -phase = stage
66. hybrid = mongrel
67. conjug = joined together
68. con = with, together
69. allelo = one another
70. a = without
71. chlor = green
72. -plast = formed
73. -phyll = leaf
74. -plasm = liquid
75. mit = thread
76. chloroplast = 
77. chlorophyll =
78. cytoplasm = 
79. geno = race, offspring
80. pheno = show, appear, seen
81. peri = around
82. hybrid = a mongrel
83. pericardium = membrane that surrounds the heart
84. cardiology = study of the heart
85. cardiologist = heart specialist
86. fili = a daughter or son
87. pheno = show
88. -gamous = a marriage
89. -gamy = marriage, reproduction
90. co = together
91. geno = race, offspring
92. bio = life
93. muta = change
94. ova = egg
95. ovum = egg
96. ovule = a little egg
97. ovipar = egg laying
98. ovari = an ovary
99. allelo = one another, parallel
100. cyt = cell
101. re = again
102. fract = break, broken
103. flect = bend
104. -ion = a process, entering
105. refraction
106. gene = birth, origin
107. gener = a race, produce
108. genet = birth, ancestor
109. -genous = producing
110. geno = race, offspring, sex
111. C = carbon
112. N = nitrogen
113. H = hydrogen
114. B = boron
115. He = helium
116. Li = lithium
117. Be = beryllium
118. Ne = neon
119. Na = sodium
120. Mg = magnesium
121. Al = aluminum
122. Si = silicon
123. S = sulfur
124. P = phosphorus
125. O = oxygen
126. equa = equal
127. equi = equal
128. circum = around
129. semi = half
130. meter = measure
131. sterno = breast
132. -pector = breast
133. -ped = foot
134. -pod = foot
135. bi = foot
136. tri = three
137. ex = outside
138. quad = four
139. glut = the rump
140. femor = the thigh
141. Cu = copper
142. Kr = Krypton
143. Pb = lead
144. Rn = radon
145. Cs = cesium
146. dors = back
147. cartilage = gristle
148. liga = bound, tied
149. maxill = jaw
150. crani = skull
151. mei = less
152. matur = ripe, ripen
153. mandibul = jaw
154. melan = black
155. carpo = the wrist, a fruit
156. nutri = nutrition
157. calor = heat
158. K = potassium
159. Ca = calcium
160. Zn = zinc
161. Fe = iron
162. Na = sodium
163. -kary = the nucleus
164. prokaryote = cell without a nucleus
165. eukaryote = cell with a nucleus
166. photo = light
167. -synthesis = building
168. photosynthesis
169. vari = change
170. -osis = condition
171. C = chlorine
172. M = meter
173. L = liter
174. G = gram
175. mm = millimeter
176. cm = centimeter
177. dm = decimeter
178. dkm = dekameter
179. hm = hectometer
180. km = kilometer
181. leuko = white
182. cyt = cell
183. leukocyte = white blood cell
184. erythr = red
185. erythrocyte = red blood cell
186. ophthalm = eye
187. -opia = vision
188. opto - eyes, vision
189. orbi = a circle, track
190. ophthalmologist = specialist of the eye
191. optometrist = someone who is an expert in examining the eyes, prescribes glasses and contact lenses.
192. optical = relating to sight
193. optician = makes glasses
194. oto = ear
195. otology = study of the ears
196. leuko = white
197. cyt = cell
198. leukocyte = white blood cells
199. erythr = red
200. erythrocyte = red blood cells
201. cytology = study of cells
202. circul = a ring, circle
203. pulmo = lung
204. puls = beat, push, pulse
205. -ary = a place where something is kept
206. carn = meat
207. batho = depth
208. cata = down
209. carb = carbon
210. append = to hang
211. arteri = artery
212. plate = broad, flat
213. exo = outside
214. endothermic = inside heat
215. exothermic = outside heat
216. cosmo = order, the world
217. chlor = green
218. -synthesis = building
219. chemo = chemical
220. photo = light
221. photosynthesis = process by which plants make their food.
222. embryo = a fertilized egg
223. zygo = a yoke
224. fet = young in the womb
225. viscer = body cavity, organ
226. cephal = head
227. pseudo = false
228. dactyl = finger, toe
229. erythro= red
230. glyc = sweet
231. milliliter = mL
232. milligram = mg
233. centiliter = cL
234. centigram = cg
235. deciliter = dL
236. dekaliter = dkL
237. dekagram = dkg
238. hectoliter = hL
239. hectogram = hg
240. kiloliter = kL
241. kilogram = kg
242. -ion = process, entering
243. leuko = white
244. leukocyte = white blood cell
245. eu = advanced
246. -flect = bend
247. floresc = blooming
248. -fract = break, broken
249. fulcr = a support
250. fiss = a cleft, break
251. pheno = show, appear
252. geno = race, offspring
253. -genous = producing
254. -genus = birth, race, class
255. -gen = bear, produce
256. dilat = expanded
257. narc = numbness, stupor
258. halluncinat = to wander in the mind
259. stimu = upper, good
260. anti = against
261. crypt = hidden
262. cyst = bladder, a bag
263. de = from, down
264. dem = people
265. di = two
266. aqua = water
267. gastro = stomach
268. echino = spiny
269. hiber = winter
270. path = disease
271. re = again
272. -ist = specialist
273. myco = fungus
274. immun = free
275. psych = mind
276. meth = drink, drank
277. fili = a son/daughter
278. ova = egg
279. uni = one
280. form = shape
281. -ism = belief, process
282. cata = down
283. uniform = one shape
284. mes = middle
285. meta = beyond, after
286. micro = small
287. neo = new
288. retro = behind
289. evolut = unrolling
290. evolution
291. entomology
292. entom = insect
293. utero = uterus (womb)
294. physiology = study of the anatomy & structure of the body.
295. Psychological = having to do with the mind
296. hetero = different
297. gene = origin
298. conjug = joined together
299. allele = one
300. Homo = same
301. ferti = fruitful
302. fetus = young in the womb
303. fili = a son or daughter
304. ov = egg
305. ovari = an ovary
306. gyne = female
307. -logist = specialist
308. gemn = bud
309. gynecologist
310. gynecology
311. sperm = seed
312. mitosis = cell division
313. phenotype = show physical characteristics, offspring
314. genotype = genetic characteristics
315. angiosperm 
316. gymnosperm = 
317. prophase
318. metaphase
319. anaphase
320. telophase
321. Chrom = color
322. -some = body
323. chromosome
324. diplo = double
325. diploid = cell that contains two complete sets of chromosomes